The Skullp band forms in the beginning of year 2008. Between 2008 - 2009 it has numerous appearances on Cluj-Napoca's metal stage, together with local and international names. During June 2009 - January 2010, the band faces member component issues. After several tries, Skullp reunites in a stable form. Since then and up until now, the band is set on a frenetic rehearsal schedule and it is currently recording their first EP!
Trupa ia nastere la inceputul anului 2008.In intervalul 2008-2009,isi face aparitia pe scena autohtona clujeana, alaturi de nume locale cat si internationale. In perioada iunie 2009-ianuarie 2010,trupa se confrunta cu diverse probleme legate de componenta. Dupa mai multe incercari de intregire,trupa reuseste in februarie 2010 sa stabileasca o componenta stabila. De atunci si pana in prezent trupa face numeroase repetitii si intra in studio pentru inregistrarea unui prim EP.